Thursday, July 31, 2008

Morning sky

Today's morning sky was quite colour. The redness gave it an evening sky feel.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Promtion material

They were shooting publicity photos at the mall during lunch hour the other day. From a distance I noticed a light flashed. Thought nothing of it until I came closer and through the small crowd.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Act Now BC

Saw this series of tents on the parking lot of the mall on Sunday morning. Decided to take a closer look and snap a photo or two. This security guard came out of the tent just as I was getting into position. He was no problem after I told him what my intentions were.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Late but...

According to the sign this addition was scheduled for completion earlier in the year. Today Translink re-open its bus terminal which this building sits on top of. Guess we can take today, July 28, as the official completion date which means construction is at least a month behind schedule. Could be expensive for the contractor.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hydro Building

Went by the Hydro Building last week and saw the sign with Canada Custom sign which got me wondering it managed to cope with the power outage almost two weeks ago. The Hydro Building was one of the last to have have its power restored. I think this was intended. Makes for good optics. But how does it sit with the federal government?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Masked wonder

Saw him with this mask on at the mall. When asked for a photo he brought his two friends into the picture also.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A paint job

Have no idea how long this truck is parked behind this building on Main Street. Well, it is long enough to attract the attention of the graffiti artists.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wall art

More and more business and building owners are having wall murals done because studies had shown they are very effective in preventing another art form, photo below, so common in modern cities.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new store

This new cellphones outlet opened in one of the malls I frequent. Initially thought it is a move by Rogers to counter Bell's Solo and the more recent Telus Koodoo maneuvers. Finally my curiosity got the better of me and I went in and inquired. As it turns out this is an independent dealer who sells plans from Rogers' competitors as well.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer Sundays

Yesterday went to the Burnaby Public Library Metrotown branch. People were busy setting things up and the sign said...

it is Summer Sunday at Civic Square with three groups scheduled to perform.

This is the the first of the three. Whether it was due to lack of publication or what these two had no audience whatsoever. A few passers by would glanced over, gave them a curious look or two and continued on.

Since it is billed as Summer Sundays I think it is a weekly happening. So next Sunday pack a picnic lunch, bundle the family into the car and head to Civic Square for an afternoon of sun and entertainment.

Beaver at work

This was an International News outlets doing what I considered brisk business. Either appearance is deceiving or the mall has jacked the rent high enough for the owner to deem continue operation inviable. Soon it'll be a Bell store selling handsets.

The question now becomes why is Bell opening another outlet in the mall given their existing one, see next photo, isn't exactly overwhelmed with customers.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer fog

We being having unseasonal overnight cold temperatures. Most mornings it is only 12C and we've morning fog over the water which normally doesn't happened till the Fall. But then this has been a cool summer in that there is snow on top of the mountains.

Since full moon occurred a few days ago, look carefully you can see it on the top photo.


For years I've walked by and not noticed this street-level outside elevator on Granville Street until the other day when I saw two people entering it. An elevator with an entrance on a building's exterior is very rare. Wonder if there is another one in the Lower mainland?

Saturday, July 19, 2008


The Real Canadian Superstore is a supermarket chain operation with outlets pretty well across the country. One would expect price consistency if not corporate-wide but at least within a geographic area. This is not the case, however, with their bulk dry roasted peanuts.

At 57 cents it is about the same price as Wal-Mart charges for the packaged Planter brand. Have no idea why at least one outlet charges 88 cents.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Water work

The been working on this for over a year now. No idea what is taking them so long. Initially there was a traffic problem. Eventually drivers decided to take alternative routes and avoid the congestion here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

High caffeine

In recent years the market has been flooded with high caffeine content drinks. Red Bull was one of the first and has become the best-known. Not sure if it is the biggest also.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Book sale

For the retail industry July is the mid-point between one Christmas to the next. To drum business many held Boxing Day in July sales. Shopping malls have periodic sidewalk sales. This is one of Cole's sidewalk sale on books.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A summer morning

Went by Burnaby Lake last week and took these. The surprising part was not finding anybody else there because during previous occasions, be it winter, spring or fall, there were always some photographers or bird watchers.